Thursday, March 29, 2012

Room Creativity

(1) How do you plan to address the room creativity expectation?

  • If I can get permission to bring in a few of the medical supplies that are in the office, then I'm hoping that I could bring those in as a sample and spread across the room. I could also display various brochures and posters from my independent component 2 around the room.

(2) What activity ideas do you have for answer 1 or 2?
Answer 1 [Making sure that all of the consumers in the firm knows the marketing message]
  • Give a mission statement to every other group, and give them a few minutes to study the material. Have them go the next group and see if they can relay the mission statement in a really short amount of time. See which groups communicated the message the best after having the missions statements passed around the room once

Answer 2 [Getting to know your client in order to make them feel more comfortable with you]:

  • Interview- split the room into two halves, one person in each group will be the client/ patient. Give the Client a scrip and list of facts, then have the group engage in conversation with the person to learn the correct facts about the client that will help them predict what type of devices to sell to the client.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Answer 2

EQ: What is most important when marketing medical supplies?
Answer 2: Get to know your client and target audience by freely communicating with them.

  • In target marketing, one of the many ways to conduct market research is to conduct surveys. For medical suppliers, this is easier because there is already a specific target audience.
  • While getting to know your target audience, you learn about the roles that they play in other people's lives, and can offer something that will help them feel as normal as possible as they complete that role.
  • The most important thing is that, despite the many social situations they are thrown into, the main focus should always be on the clients' wants. 
  • Science Fair
  • (24) "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Social Psychology" by Joni Johnston
  • (19c)  "Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning: Building the Right Relationships with the Right Customers."

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Product

My product from the senior project is that I have gained a new found respect for both the medical and business field. Previously, I had no interest in either field before beginning this project. I could have cared less about hospitals and medical equipment, since I never found the relevance it had to my life, nor did I have an interest in business, because of its close relation to politics- something I could never see myself being involved with. Through this project, I found that I learn something about business through marketing without it seeming political, and I now have a better understanding about the distribution of medical supplies. I am now more aware of my sleeping habits, since I have learned that I have a risk of having sleep apnea. I am also aware of the fact that the basic skills behind marketing are skills that I've had for a while, but have not been able to fine tune until now.